
  • What You Need To Know About Botox And The Natural Look You Want

    Do the sudden appearance of laugh lines or crow's feet bother you? According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, Botox was the top minimally invasive cosmetic procedure in 2019. If you want to join the millions of women and men who choose botulinum toxin injections, take a look at what you need to know about getting a youthful, natural result. Set Realistic Expectations What can and can't this popular injectable do?
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  • Preparing For Your Tummy Tuck Procedure

    If you are unhappy with the appearance of your mid-section, you might be considering a tummy tuck procedure for a tighter, more toned look. With a good cosmetic surgeon in your corner, the procedure should go smoothly, but there are still a few things you will want to do in order to prepare. 1. Strengthen your abdominal muscles. You may not be able to see your abdominal muscles very well through the excess skin and fat that are around your midsection right now — but they are in there!
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  • Two Things You Never Knew Botox Is Used For

    If there is one type of injection that's practically a household name it is Botox. Botox has been and continues to remain one of the most popular noninvasive cosmetic procedures that patients elect to get. Although Botox is most commonly thought to be used to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, it is actually being used to help patients with a variety of other issues as well. Here are just a few ways you could benefit from Botox injections.
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  • Get The Facts About Three Types Of Cosmetic Injections

    If you are unhappy with the appearance of your face due to wrinkles or fine lines, then you might want to consider getting some cosmetic injections. These procedures are a lot more approachable than cosmetic surgeries. Typically, you can have an injection and go right back to work the same afternoon. One decision you will need to make, however, is which type of cosmetic injection you desire. Here is a look at three common options.
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  • What Are The Different Types Of Acne?

    When talking about acne, we normally get a mental image of someone having pimples on their face. However, acne can appear in several different forms and may also be on other areas of the body as well. Knowing how to treat acne depends mainly on what type of acne a person has. These are some of the different types of acne. Hormonal Acne Hormonal acne may occur during puberty, when women have their monthly periods, and during pregnancy.
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  • Why Getting Botox Training Is a Great Idea for Your Practice

    Botox is a cosmetic procedure that continues to grow in popularity. It's often used for facelifts and the elimination of wrinkles. In some cases, it can even be used for medical reasons like reducing the pain from migraines. If you are a cosmetic or medical doctor who has not yet sought out Botox training and certification, here's why you might want to add this treatment to your list of available options.
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  • Why Get Your Nose Operated On When You Like The Way It Looks?

    If you have no issues with your nose, at least on a physical level, you may feel like you don't have to ever have this part of your face operated on. However, sinuplasty, or the operation that revolves around the nasal passages and sinuses of the nose, may be something you need. Even if you like the way your nose looks, it may still require treatment by a specialist. Learn why you may need this type of surgery so you can learn what to expect in getting it done.
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  • Preparing For Bodysculpting: There Things To Know

    Nonsurgical bodysculpting procedures can help remove excess fat to give your physique a trim, healthy appearance. However, there are some things you'll need to know about before you embark on this self-improvement journey. Consult with your primary care physician and plastic surgeon before undergoing any procedure, and keep the following in mind as you make your decision about this type of cosmetic procedure. Stable Weight For some, bodysculpting is a way to shed those last few stubborn pounds.
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  • The Basics of Vaginal Rejuvenation

    After you have had babies, your vagina may not be as tight as it once was, and you may even suffer from urinary incontinence. Even though you can do exercises at home like Kegels that will work to tighten the vaginal wall, they may not do as much as a vaginal rejuvenation procedure would. To help you learn a little bit more about these procedures, this article will take a closer look at a few of the basics.
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  • 3 Benefits Of Non-Surgical Vaginal Rejuvenation

    As you get older, collagen in the skin starts to break down, causing the skin to lose its elasticity. This can occur anywhere on the body, including the vagina. Certain medical events, such as having children and undergoing a hysterectomy, can make the problem even worse. Women who birth large children are especially at risk. Smoking can also cause the skin to prematurely breakdown. One treatment to improve the tightness of the vagina is non-surgical vaginal rejuvenation.
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